How to Complete Operation Mixed Count on Integers

Mixed count operation on integers often appears in questions of semester tests and even national examinations. Therefore, understanding the concept of mixed count operations is important to learn. Often students are wrong in working on these questions because they do not know which parts to complete first. Let's take the following example:

What is the result of (-5 + 7) x (-1 - 2) ... .
A. 10
B. -10
C. -2
D. 50

Do you know the answer to that question? Sometimes there is still some confusion in working on these questions because they do not know whether to complete per-you, division, subtraction or summation first. The most important thing you should look at in answering the question form as above is the parentheses as well as the integer count operation properties.

If within the problem there are parentheses, then the counting operation in the parentheses must be We finish first. However, in some questions you may also encounter a mixed counting operation that is not bracketed. Llau how to do it? (19459210) the following:

Operating Properties Count on an Integer [194592]

The reduction operation (-) and sum (+) are considered equally strong, so that the operation located on the left, is solved first.
[1945961] Example:

(4 + 3) - 2 = 5
(4 - 3) + 2 = 3

Similarly the division operation (:) and multiplication (-) are considered equally strong. The one on the left, completed first.
[1945961] Example:

(4 x 3): 2 = 6
(X) = 10

The division operation (:) and multiplication (x) its position is stronger than the reduction operation ( -) and the sum (+) so that the multiplication and division operations are completed first, then the addition and subtraction operations.
[1945961] Example:

20 + (2 x 3) = 26
[1945961] [1945920]]
20- (10 x 2: 5) + 5 => 20 - 4 + 5 = 21

Consider the Problems below:

20 x 4 + 30: 5 = 86
20 x (4 + 30): 5 = 136

(20 x 4 + 30): 5 = 22

Despite numbers and operations Count the same, the result will be different depending on the presence of parentheses in the matter. So once again you have to remember well that in completing the mixed count operation on integers you must observe the presence of parentheses or not in the matter. If there are parentheses, then the calculations in the brackets must be completed first. If, however, there are no parentheses, you should follow the integer count operation characteristics we have described above. I hope this helps.
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