Units of Size The number of Lusin, Gross, Rim, and Kodi

Unit Size The Number of Lusin, Gross, Rim, And Kodi - When carrying out your daily activities you must have heard some terms like Lusin, Gross, Rim, and Kodi in mathematics the term is called a unit of measure of quantity or quantity. This unit is commonly used to express the number of items or objects. For those of you who do not know or have not memorized by the size of the unit, let us study it together by listening to the discussion The Basic Mathematical Formula on the following unit size sums:

 Unit Size The Number of Lusin, Gross, Rim, and Kodi "border =" 0 "height =" 163 "src =" http: // 2 .bp.blogspot.com / -lY0FiDChyK8 / VO_nLucUiiI / AAAAAAAAHn8 / Ce-UpiggAT4 / s1600 / Unit% 2BSize% 2BNo% 2BLusin% 2C% 2BGross% 2C% 2BRim% 2C% 2Band% 2BKodi.JPG "title =" Unit Size Amount Lusin, Gross, Rim, and Kodi </div> <div style=

The most commonly used unit of measure quantities is :
1 dozen = 12 pieces
1 gross = 144 pieces = 12 Lusin
1 score = 20 pieces
1 rim = 500 glue Bar

The use of units of measure of the number of Lusin, Gross, Rim, and Kodi

The above sizes are usually used in accordance with certain types of goods, for example:

The term dozen is more often used to express the number of items such as glasses, plates, spoons, jars, and so on.
[194590007] Rim
The term rim is usually used to denote the number of sheets on paper.
[194590007] Gross
Gross is generally used to express the number of stationaries such as books, pencils, and so on.
While kodi is usually used to express the amount of textile goods such as cloth, pants, shirts, and so on.

Sample Problems Lusin, Gross, Rim, and Kodi

Here are some examples Questions relating to units of measure of quantity or quantity:

Problem 1:
Andi has 12 box nails. If each box contains 2 dozen nails, then have the total number of spikes owned by Andi?

Given each box contains 2 dozen nails = 12 x 2 = 24 spikes
Andi has 12 boxes of nails, then the total number of spikes is:

12 x 24 = 288 pieces of nails.

Problem 2:
Inside a cardboard there are 7 gross pencils . So there are how many dozen pencils in the box?

Answer: Known as 1 gross = 12 Dozens, then:

7 gross = 7 x 12 dozen = 84 dozen

Problem 3:
Dad bought 13 boxes of paper. Each paper box contains 4 reams of paper. So how many pieces of paper did father buy?

Given 1 rim = 500 sheets, each cardboard contains 4 reams of paper = 4 x 500 = 2000 sheets of paper.

Dad bought 13 boxes of paper, then the amount of paper that father possessed was:

2000 x 13 = 26000 sheets of paper.

Problem 4:
Inside the cabinet are stored 5 dozen pencils. How many gross pencils are there?

Known 1 gross = 12 dozen , Then:
6 dozen = 6/12 = 1/2 gross

Question 5
Mother bought 12 kodi pants and 5 kodi clothes. What is the total number of items purchased by Mother?

Known to 1 kodi = 20 pieces, then:

12 kodi pants = 12 x 20 pieces = 240 pants
5 kodi clothes = 5 x 12 = 60 pieces

Then the total number of items purchased by the mother is: 240 + 60 = 300 pieces

Thus a brief description of Unit Size The Number of Lusin, Gross , Rim, and Kodi hopefully can add insight to you about the size of the quantity units that are often used in these daily activities.

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