Definition or Definition of Comprehensive Mathematical Algebra

Understanding Mathematical Algebra - Algebra Is one of the branches of mathematical science invented by Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi . The algebraic name itself is derived from the Arabic "al-jabr" which means relationship or completion. Algebra can be defined as a branch of mathematical science that studies the concept or principle of simplification and problem solving by using a particular symbol or letter. For example, in common algebra the letter / symbol x represents the value of a number to be searched. The concept of Algebra is commonly used by mathematicians in the process of finding patterns from a number.

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Definition or Definition of Comprehensive Mathematical Algebra


The History of Algebra

According to existing historical records, the use of algebra has been known since thousands of years ago.Algebra has been used by mathematicians in about 3500 years Then to the Mesopotamian civilization.The beginning of the introduction of the name Algebra was when al-Khwarizmi wrote it in His book entitled The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing . Then the term spread after the work was translated into various European languages ​​by his disciple named Omar Khayyam . Since then the development of algebra has continued to be studied and continuously refined to the present time.

Types of Algebra

By General, algebra can be categorized into several types, at least there are 5 most common types of algebra, namely:
[1945907] Basic Algebra
Also commonly referred to as elementary algebra is the type of algebra that studies the properties that occur in the operation of real numbers recorded in the form of symbols to express constants and variables. This basic algebra is what we usually find in math lessons in school. The basic algebra is for those who do not really know algebra.

Abstract Algebra
known as modern algebra. Abstract algebra studies the structure of algebra in the form of Ring, Group, and Field (fields) which are then taught and defined in an axiomatic way.
Linear Algebra
This algebra studies the special properties that occur in vector spaces. This algebra also studies the Matrix.
Universal Algebra
Studying the overall nature of the existing algebraic structure.
Algebraic Elements


There are several elements that make up algebra, as can be defined as follows:

(19459006) Variable

Variables can be interpreted as symbols or symbols used to represent a number Whose value is not yet known clearly. Variables are often also referred to as variables. The usual variables are symbolized by small hrufs a, b, c, d, e, f, g, ..., z. For example, in the equation (3x + 14 y) the variables are x and y.
The tribe is a value that constitutes an algebraic form both in terms of variables with their coefficients and also constants. The following is an explanation of the various algebraic tribes:
The One Tribe is an algebraic form that has no sign of count or difference operation.
For example: 2x, 4c 2 3xy

Tribe Two is an algebraic form connected by the presence of a sign of count or difference operation. For example: x + y, 2a + 3c, 4x 2 - y 2

Tribe Three Is an algebraic form connected by the existence of two signs of count or difference operation. For example: 3x - 4y + z, 2a 2 + 3b + c

Constants are algebraic tribes whose form is a number that stands alone without being followed by a variable. For example in the equation (3x2 + 4y - z + 12) then the constant is 12.

Linear Equations and Inequalities

Algebra also deals with equations and linear inequalities. You can find some articles that discuss about the material in this blog, including:

Equations and Linear Inequality One Variable
System of Linear Equations Two Variables

The Three-Variable Linear Equation System

Thus a summary of the material that can be given by Basic Mathematical Formula Subject Matter Definition or Definition of Comprehensive Mathematical Algebra . Hopefully it can add to your knowledge of all branches of mathematics called Algebra.
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