Mathematical Formula Factorization of Algebra Tribe Class 8 SMP
Factoriization of Algebra Tribes Factoring or commonly referred to as the factorization of the algebraic form is a way used to express the algebraic form which was originally a sum to be another form (multiplication). To understand more about how to factorize the various forms of algebra, you should observe well the explanation of the basic mathematical formula which is below:
1. Form Factoring ax + ay + az + ... and ax + bx - cx
To complete algebra with the above form, you can use the nature of the distri Butive as follows:
ax + ay + az + ... = a (x + y + z + ...)
ax + bx + cx = x (a + b + c)
Try you observe the following example:
Example Problem 1:
Find the factorization of the following algebraic form:
a. 2x + 2y
b. Pq 2 r 3 + 2p 2 qr + 3pqr
How to Answer:
a. 2x + 2y = 2 (x + y)
b. Pq 2 r 3 + 2p 2 qr + 3pqr = pqr (qr 2 + 2p + 3)
Now try to do the following questions:
1. 3x - 3y =
2. 2x + 6 =
3. 4x 2 y - 6xy 2 =
4. 8pq + 24pqr =
5. 15x 2 - 18xy + 9xz =
2. Formation Algebra of difference of two squares x 2 - y 2
To perform algebraic factorization in the form of two-squares difference we can use the following way:
x 2 = x 2 + (xy - xy) - y 2
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= (x 2 + xy )
= (x - y) (x + y)
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Now take a look at the following example:
Sample Problem 2 ]
Determine Factorization of the algebraic form below:
. X 2 - 4
b. 9x 2 - 25y 2
How to Answer it
a. X [2] 2 - 2 2 = (x - 2) (x + 2)
b. 9x 2 = 3 2 x 2 - 5 2 x 2 2 = (3x - 5y) (3x + 5y)
Try to finish the following practice questions:
1. X 2 - 25 =
2. 9m 2 - 16 =
3. 25p 2 - 16q 2 =
4. 36x 2 - 81y 2 =
5. 81p 2 - 100q 2 =
3. Algebraic Formation of Perfect Squares Form
Furthermore, for algebra with the perfect square shape, the factoring pattern is as follows:
x 2 + 2xy + y 2 2
x 2 - 2xy + y 2 = (x - y) 2
Sample Problem 3
Find the perfect squares factor of x 2 + 4x + 8
How to answer it:
Use only distributive properties -> 4x = 2x + 2x then:
x 2 + 4x + 8 = x 2 + 2x + 2x + 4
2 + 2x) + (2x + 8) = x (x + 2) (19 + 2)
= (x + 2)
For the first time this matter Mathematical Formula Factorization of Algebra Tribe Class 8 SMP for more details you can see in the advanced material on The Formation of Algebra Class 8 SMP hopefully you can understand the above discussion well.