Tips on How to Easily Memorize Trigonometric Angular Relational Formulas

Trigonometric Relational Angle Formula - In order to understand the value of the comparison of trigonometry from an angle, you should study the concept of a relationship angle. If the angle is a special angle then we will find it easier to determine the trigonometric comparison value from that angle. However, if the angle is not included in a special angle we can also find the comparison of its trigonometry by using principles in relational angles. Consider the following trigonometric identities:

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Trigonometric Angular Relation Formula

There are several formulas that can be used to determine the ratio of trigonometry at a relational angle (angle from quadrant I to IV) This time the basic mathematical formula will not explain the formulas one by one because here we will only learn about how to easily memorize the formulas But. As we know that the trigonometric formula for the corresponding angle consists of (90 0 ± a 0 ), (180 0 ± a 0 0 ), (n.360 0 ± a 0 ), and (- a

Now let's consider the angle 90 0 180 0 , 0 represents each existing quadrant, so:

90 0 for the first quadrant

180 0

180 0 [194590] for the quadrant II
270 0 for the Quadrant III
360 0 for the IV quadrant

Pattern of Corner Relation

When we deal with angles representing the area quadrants I and III (odd quadrant) then to determine the comparison value of trigonometric other angles by using the formula (90 0 0 ), and (270 0 ± a 0 ) . So that goes:

sin = cos
cos = sin
cosec = Sec [cosm]
tan = cotan
cotan = tan

Meanwhile, when we use the angle Which represents the area of ​​ quadrant II and IV (even quadrant) then to determine the ratio of trigonometric ratios to other angles by using the formula (180 0 ± a 0 ) and (n.360 0 ± a 0

sin = sin
cos = cos
cosec = cosec
sec = sec
Tan = tan
cotan = cotan

Note: positive signs and Negative on trigonometric values ​​adjusted to ASTC rules.

What is an ASTC?


ASTC is an abbreviation made to facilitate the memorization of positive and negative values ​​in trigonometry. AST is All, Sinus, Tangen, and Cosinus. A represents quadrant I, S represents Quadrant II, T represents quadrant III, and C represents quadrant IV. It can also be written as follows:

All - I = meaning, in quadrant I all trigonometric values ​​are positive.
Sinus - II = Meaning in Quadrant II only Sinus and Cosecan values ​​have positive values.
Tangen - III = Meaning that in Quadrant III only values ​​of tangent and cotangen have positive values.
Cosinus - IV = Meaning that in quadrant IV only Cosinus can Secan value has positive value.

Example Problem 1:
Try to state the comparison of some of the following trigonometry In the comparison of the trigonometric angle of the relation:
A. Sin 54 0
B. Cos 135 0
[1945907] Discussion:

0 is in quadrant I => the value of its sin positive (+)
Sin 54 0 - 36 0 )
Then sin 54 0 = Sin (90 0 - 36 0 )
Sin 54 0 0
Since at (90 - a) rules apply sin = cos

B. 135 0 is in quadrant II => The value of cos is negative because in this quadrant only Sinus and Cosecan are positive value

135 0 = (90 0 + 45 0 0 )

Because at (90 (19459022) 0 ) applies the rule cos = sin
Then cos 135 0 = -sin 45 0

Because at (180 0 - a 0 ) rules apply cos = cos So cos 135 0 = cos (180 0 - 45 0 )

That is it Tips on How to Easily Memorize The Angler Relational Trigonometry Formula hopefully the article given by the basic mathematical formula above can be useful.
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