
Showing posts from May, 2017

Matter Understanding and Formulas of Mathematics Opportunities SMP Complete

Understanding and Formulas of Mathematical Opportunities - Have you ever played a ladder snake? In the game of the ladder you will certainly use the dice to determine the number of steps you should take. In the process of throwing dice, the result or number that may muncil is 1,2,3,4,5, or 6. Well the possibility of the emergence of numbers when rolling dice is one example of Mathematical Opportunities. [1945909] [1945907] Another example of mathematical odds is the tossing of coins.the moment of throwing a coin there are two possible sides that appear. The first is the number (A) and the second side is the image (A) .Now, in the material this time, the basic mathematical formula will provide a material summary of the notion and the probability formula in mathematics Let us refer to the summary of the material as follows: [1945909] Understanding the Definitions and Formulas of Opportunities in Mathematics [19459006 Definition of Opportunity Opportunities...

Explanation of Differences of Permutations and Combinations of Mathematics, Examples of Problems and Complete Discussion

Permutations and Combinations of Mathematics - Math lessons on permutations and combinations are taught to students who are in high school XI. This material is still related to Opportunities. So what's the difference between chance, permutation and combination? Relax, do not hurry. In this article The Basic Mathematical Formula will describe one by one to you about permutations and combinations in mathematics. As for the material opportunities you can access on the article that discusses Definition and Formulas of Opportunities Mathematics . As always, here you are not only getting material explanations but also formulas As well as examples of problems and explanations of the steps in answering the question. Therefore, you should pay attention to both the description of the material and the explanation of the given formula. [1945907] Definition of Permutations and Combinations of Mathematics [1945907] Permutation In the science of mathematics a permu...

Tips on How to Easily Memorize Trigonometric Angular Relational Formulas

Trigonometric Relational Angle Formula - In order to understand the value of the comparison of trigonometry from an angle, you should study the concept of a relationship angle. If the angle is a special angle then we will find it easier to determine the trigonometric comparison value from that angle. However, if the angle is not included in a special angle we can also find the comparison of its trigonometry by using principles in relational angles. Consider the following trigonometric identities: Trigonometric Angular Relation Formula There are several formulas that can be used to determine the ratio of trigonometry at a relational angle (angle from quadrant I to IV) This time the basic mathematical formula will not explain the formulas one by one because here we will only learn about how to easily memorize the formulas But. As we know that the trigonometric formula for the corresponding angle consists of (90 0 ± a 0 ), (180 0 ± a 0 0 ), (n.360 0 ...

Sample Problem Mathematical Set and Discussion Class 7 SMP

Example Problem Mathematical Set - After you have studied the material on the set of mathematics, it helps you to also look at the sample questions and discussion of the set that will be given by the basic mathematical formulas in this article. Studying examples will enthuse you in understanding the material and how to answer questions relating to a subject matter of mathematics. To be able to answer the practice questions about the set, you must first understand the venn diagram and the basic concepts of the mathematical set. If you already feel the mastery, please refer to the following questions: Sample and Discussion of the Complete Class Mathematics Grade 7 [1945909] Sample Problem 1: Of the 42 goats that are in the cage belonging to the pack Arman, 30 goats like elephant grass, and 28 goats like grass. If there are 4 goats who do not like the two grasses, how many goats like elephant grass and grass? Discussion: to search for it, we use the follo...

Sample Problems and Discussion of Area and Area of ​​Trapezoid

Sample Problem and Wide Range of Trapezoid - Before you look at the examples of the questions and discussions below, you should study the material How to Calculate the Formula of Wide and Trapezoidal Area first. Because to understand the discussion of the question to be given by The Basic Mathematical Formula in this article you must understand the basic concepts and formulas applicable to the circumference and extent of the trapezoidal If you already feel mastered the material about the formula of the area and around the trapezoid please direct you see and observe the example about trapezium and how to answer the following [194590] Sample Exercise Area and Trapezoidal Range with Complete Discussion ] Example Problem 1 Determine the Area of ​​the trapezoid in the following image: [194590] [1945907] From the picture above it is known that AD = CE = 8 cm while AB = CD = 12 cm. To know the extent of the trapezoid then we must know the l...

Definition or Definition of Comprehensive Mathematical Algebra

Understanding Mathematical Algebra - Algebra Is one of the branches of mathematical science invented by Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi . The algebraic name itself is derived from the Arabic "al-jabr" which means relationship or completion. Algebra can be defined as a branch of mathematical science that studies the concept or principle of simplification and problem solving by using a particular symbol or letter. For example, in common algebra the letter / symbol x represents the value of a number to be searched. The concept of Algebra is commonly used by mathematicians in the process of finding patterns from a number. [1945909] Definition or Definition of Comprehensive Mathematical Algebra [1945907] The History of Algebra According to existing historical records, the use of algebra has been known since thousands of years ago.Algebra has been used by mathematicians in about 3500 years Then to the Mesopotamian civilization.The beginning of...

How To Easily Determine Multiples Positive integers [1945900] Multiples of positive integers - When you want to define KPK from a number, then you must understand how to look for multiples of a positive integer. This material is very important to master because it will be very useful in understanding various other mathematics subject matter. Therefore this material has been taught since primary school. Let's study the material again basic mathematical formula. [1945906]

8 x 1 = 8 8 x 2 = 16 [1945907] 8 x 3 = 24 8 x 4 = 32 [1945909] 8 x 5 = 40 [1945907] 8 x 6 = 48 [194590] 8 x 7 = 56 8 x 8 = 64 Multiples of 6: [1945907] 6 x 1 = 6 6 x 2 = 12 6 x 3 = 18 6 x 4 = 24 6 x 5 = 30 6 x 6 = 36 [1945907] 6 x 7 = 42 6 x 8 = 48 ] 6 x 9 = 54 6 x 10 = 60 6 x 11 = 66 Now you look at the example of question number 3 above. The multiplication given in red is a multiple of the two numbers (8 and 6) from which we can know that the alloys of 8 and 6 are 24 and 48. Thus the KPK of 8 and 6 is 24. Having understood the concept in Determining Multiple Positive integers you will also know how to determine the Smallest Alliance Multiplier (KPK) from Some numbers. [1945909] Facebook Google+ Twitter Gilalogie

30 Sample Problem Reduction in Mathematical Integeration

Example of Reduction Problem - Since many Looking for a sample problem on subtraction then here The Basic Mathematical Formula will provide a collection of questions concerning the reduction operation of integers. In addition to being used by teachers as a matter of practice to their students, this example can also be used by you students to train your skills in solving problems of integer counting operations. Please see the direct example of the problem below: Collection of Mathematical Problem Examples of Reduced Integers 1. 3 - 5 = ... 2. 24 - ... 3. 98721 - 10982 - 3462 = ... 4. 639 + 1018 - 402 = ... 5. 12+ (-2) - 4 + 5 = ... 6. (-3) + (-2) + (-7) - 15 + 4 = ... 7. 150 + 3542 - 291 + 12 - 3 + 910 = ... 8. 63 + (-19) x (-20) = ... 9. 24010 - 560291 + 81910 = ... 10. 43050 - 25875: 25 x 15 + 5698 = ... 11. Result of (-14) - (-37) + 25) = ... 12. (24: 3) - (12: 4) = ... 13. 987 - 132 + 245 + 390 - 254 - 123 = ... 14. Rp. 375,000 + Rp...

10 Matter of Mathematics Story for Elementary Grade 6

An Example of Mathematics of Elementary Story - This time The Basic Mathematical Formula attempts to share some examples of problems presented in story form. Mathematical problems like these often appear in daily tests even in national exams. What will be given here is an example of a story for primary school, especially grade 6. Studying this type of problem would be very good for you who will face the exam. By often practicing you will be more accustomed and faster in the process of solving the problems given. [1945909] The questions below contain issues relating to some of the mathematics lessons taught in Primary School Ranging from matter on temperature, percentage, counting operation, time to material on the size of the weight and area.It is impatient to practice working on the story problem? This is an example of the problem: Sample Sample Mathematical Story Problem for SD [19459] 007] Problem 1 Good has 12 box pens. Each pen box contains 36 pens. If i...

Sample Problems Of The Story Of KPK (The Smallest Multiple Fellowship) Mathematics

Sample Problem Story KPK - Before practicing the questions in this post, there is nothing wrong if you first learn the material about How to Find KPK and FPB . If you already understand the material well, then you will be easier in solving some examples of stories about the Smallest Partnership Multiplier (KPK) to be given by Basic Mathematical Formula below. The issue of KPK often arises in national examinations and it will be more difficult if the matter is presented in a story form. Therefore, you have to practice a lot by doing the stories related to the subject matter of mathematics about KPK. [1945909] Well, here are some examples of questions you can use to deepen your understanding of the KPK.In doing the story, the most important thing you should always keep in mind is the numbers or values ​​contained in You have to read well every given matter so that you can answer it properly and correctly.This is not the case anymore, it is an example of this pr...

Theorem of Pythagoras on Wake Flat, Example of Problem and Discussion

Pythagoras Theorem Formula On Breathe - Do you still remember what is meant by getting up flat? Waking flat is a two-dimensional wake where there is only a long and wide side and is bounded by curved lines and straight lines. As you know, wake flat consists of eight types of square, rectangular, parallelogram, trapezoid, triangle, kite, rhombus and the last is a circle. Each of these flat layers has different circumferential and circumferential formulas and sometimes when we compute the formulas, a calculation that involves the Pythagorean theorem formulas [1945907] ] [1945907] Do you guys know in what kind of situations pythagoras theorem is used on the flat wake? If you do not know it then you are obliged to read this material to the end because the basic mathematical formula will explain in detail the application of the pythagoras theorem in solving the problems associated with a flat build. So, let's check it out !! [1945907] [1945909] The u...

10 Sample Mathematics Comparison Stories

An example of comparative mathematical problems - S before the mathematical formula has already given examples of comparative questions in the article the 6sd mathematical formula of numbers, fractions, scales and comparisons . But there is nothing wrong if in this post again given some examples of stories related to the matter of comparison in mathematics. With the presence of various examples of the questions below, it is hoped that you can practice to do it in order to prepare yourself to face similar problems that may arise in the exam semester or national exam. [1945909]

Mathematical Formula Factorization of Algebra Tribe Class 8 SMP

Factoriization of Algebra Tribes Factoring or commonly referred to as the factorization of the algebraic form is a way used to express the algebraic form which was originally a sum to be another form (multiplication). To understand more about how to factorize the various forms of algebra, you should observe well the explanation of the basic mathematical formula which is below: 1. Form Factoring ax + ay + az + ... and ax + bx - cx To complete algebra with the above form, you can use the nature of the distri Butive as follows: ax + ay + az + ... = a (x + y + z + ...) ax + bx + cx = x (a + b + c) Try you observe the following example: Example Problem 1: Find the factorization of the following algebraic form: a. 2x + 2y b. Pq 2 r 3 + 2p 2 qr + 3pqr How to Answer: a. 2x + 2y = 2 (x + y) b. Pq 2 r 3 + 2p 2 qr + 3pqr = pqr (qr 2 + 2p + 3) Now try to do the following questions: 1. 3x - 3y =...